

Bridgett Passauer

Bridgett is a cradle Catholic whose family calls working for the Church "The Family Business." As someone who was raised in the Church with over 20 years of Catholic education, including the most recent a Masters in Theology from St. Leo's University through the Diocese of Richmond's Lay Ecclesial Ministry Institute, Bridgett hopes to share her experiences of growing in her Catholic faith from simply practicing her parent's faith to an intimate and personal relationship with the Lord. She is excited about sharing the Catholic faith with her Faith Family and those who want to grow a little deeper in their faith. Thank you for joining Hearing with the Heart: Conversations over Coffee!


Janet Jones

Janet was raised in another Christian faith tradition and became Catholic in 2002. Since then, she has fallen in love with the teachings of the Catholic faith and deepened her walk with Jesus through Catholic spirituality. Janet has 20 years of experience in Catechetical ministry and loves to introduce people to Jesus. She received her Masters in Theology from St. Leo’s University through the Diocese of Richmond's Lay Ecclesial Ministry Institute. She desires that everyone encounter the Lord, who loves them beyond telling, and is overjoyed that you are joining her for Hearing with the Heart: Conversations over Coffee.