Hearing With The Heart: Conversations Over Coffee
Join us as we explore topics that invite us to live deeper our Catholic, Christian faith.
Hosts Janet Jones (Director of Faith Formation) and Bridgett Passauer (Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation, Evangelization, and Community Life), from Church of the Ascension in Virginia Beach, have incredible conversations over coffee. We invite you to grab a mug of your favorite brew and share in their stories, laughs, and connection with Jesus and each other.
Hearing With The Heart: Conversations Over Coffee
The Holiness of Leisure: Reclaiming the Sabbath
Janet and Bridgett continue sharing their thoughts on Matthew Kelly's book Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy: The Simple Art of Taking Back Your Life. They share the need to reclaim the Sabbath, whatever day of the week that may need to be. God wants to speak to us, but we have to be in a position to listen.
Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy: The Simple Art of Taking Back Your Life
Baby Step: Pick one thing that will allow you to begin to create a time of Sabbath in your week.
Thanks for joining us. Have a blessed day!